Wednesday, December 23, 2009


It is super nice to be home after yet another long semester. I do not have to worry about due dates, papers, and exams for another few weeks - beauty. It is also nice to read what I want rather than Old or Middle-English.

Although I am not a huge fan of Winter, I do wish it would snow so it would feel more "Christmasy." But being at home does make it feel enough like Christmas I guess - endless amounts of coffee, tea, beer, and Christmas baking.

My dad and I went for a drive/walk yesterday with our camera's on these old country roads that we can still drive on because they aren't covered in 40 feet of snow. It is funny that I can still find roads that I have never been on. I feel like I know all the country roads here like the back of my hand - apparently not.

One thing that I do miss about Spring/Summer/Fall is the fishing. Ice-fishing can be a good time but I enjoy river fishing so much more.

Merry Christmas, friends.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Exam Week....

My favorite part of this season....exam week.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Late Night Reading by the Fireplace Post....

The fact that Jesus Christ died is more important than the fact that I shall die, and the fact that Jesus Christ rose from the dead is the sole ground of my hope that I, too, shall be raised on the Last Day. Our salvation is "external to ourselves." I find no salvation in my life history, but only in the history of Jesus Christ. Only he who allows himself to be found in Jesus Christ, in his incarnation, his cross, and his resurrection, is with God and God with him.

-Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together

Saturday, November 28, 2009


I have been thinking much about community these past few weeks. I started reading Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer since I have been home this weekend and I have really enjoyed it so far.

Christianity means community through Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ. No Christian community is more or less than this. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together

I feel like I am part of so many different communities at one time. I am part of communities such as Providence, Faith Covenant Church, Norquay Covenant Church, etc. These communities are all a very big part of me and who I am. But at the same time, they feel so different. I do not think that these communities should feel the same by any means; it is good that they are different. But I think that my place in these communities looks very different from one another.

Some of my best friends at Providence recently mentioned that they hardly ever talk to God and had a hard time remembering the last time they did talk to God. I didn't even know what to say at first. But after thinking about it for a while, it really is not that hard to believe. It left me feeling pretty convicted that I had never really even thought to ask questions about faith.

The more genuine and the deeper our community becomes, the more will everything else between us recede, the more clearly and purely will Jesus Christ and His work become the one and only thing that is vital between us. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together

I think that I have to make more of an effort to make my relationship within these communities a little deeper and open.

Be well, friends.

Friday, November 27, 2009

My Stupid Mouth...

Do you ever have one of those days where it seems like everything you say is wrong? That is how this whole month or two has felt. Right on.

Monday, November 16, 2009


As I sit in this little coffee shop that serves the best americano's I have ever had, I am supposed to be studying. But I can't help but to think of anything else. I did terrible on my first exam (which should have been very easy,) so I should do well on this one.

When I was in Calgary, some friends and I went to go serve at a homeless shelter downtown called "the Mustard Seed." We really had no idea what to expect when we arrived. But we ended packing food hampers which would be given out at a later date. We packed for around 45 minutes and then by that time much of the space that was usable to store the hampers was used up. After this we went on a tour, which was cool but it wasn't what I had in mind for the whole experience. The tour guide was quite a derelict though which was very entertaining. My preconceived notion of the whole experience was way off. I expected to be preparing food in a kitchen and or serving it to these people, but that was not the case.

I had a conversation about service with a good friend this weekend. Service should be something that we should be willing to do anytime. But in our world nowadays, this is pretty unrealistic. We all have jobs and school that we often put before serving. Service is (oftentimes) something that we "fit in" to our schedule. I do not think that this is what service is supposed to look like but I can't see it looking any other way, in my life anyways.

I think that often my view of service is very narrow-minded in terms of what service actually does look like. When I think of service I think of helping homeless people or serving in a church but I think that service can look different for everyone.

Serve well and serve always. Something I need to work on.


You win some, you lose some...

Since I left home, I have come to the conclusion that I really enjoy being by myself. I liked being by myself at home too, but more so now that I am away from home. I am not sure what the reason is, maybe it is because I am an only child but I love going fishing, driving, walking, and most things by myself; except things like badminton or tennis - that is just stupid. But I also love being with people, so I don't know exactly where I fall on this introverted/extroverted spectrum.

I was in Calgary for a few days this last week and it was a good time. I got to see the mountains and stay in the "Stoney Nakoda Lodge and Casino," which is just off the number one highway on the way to Canmore. It was pretty epic. The term, "you win some, you lose some" definitely took new meaning for me due to me losing more money than I wanted at this damned casino. But this lodge did have a stellar slide. Actually, it wasn't that great but it was fun anyways.

I got to hang out with many good people who I haven't seen for a while which was good and I also experienced "Life Together" which was also a good time. Rollerskating on the other hand, not a big fan.

All in all, good times.

Monday, November 9, 2009

A Lack of Words...

There is really nothing new going on in my life that I feel is worthy to blog about. But, for the most part much of what I blog about is pointless anyways. So I will give you a run-down of my last few weeks.

I was at home for a week with a ball-bustin' flu. That was no fun. It wasn't like a throwing up type flu, just a fever of 104 degrees for nearly four days type flu. But, in that time I did manage to read a book and crack off a book review about said book.

Missing a week of school sucks; trying to catch up on all the missed readings, writing 2 papers and 3 exams. Oh well, tomorrow I am off to Alberta to hang out with friends and hopefully get into the mountains at least once!

Be well, friends.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I feel like these last few weeks have been just a blur. I went home for Thanksgiving which was good. But whilst being at home enjoying the luxuries of Norquay (ha), I was studying which is not my idea of a good time. When I got back to Prov on Monday I got sick with a cold which is also not my idea of a good time.

Do you ever have those times when you can't seem to slow down? My mind seems to be racing all the time thinking about friends, family, my future, and God. I can't seem to focus on one thing and that troubles me a bit. But in the midst of all this, I am trying to find rest and hope in this dissonance. The way I see it is, at least I am thinking about all these things. Right?

Be well.

Monday, September 28, 2009

A Change of Scenery...

Lately I have been thinking much about the thought of place. Where do I exactly fit in? Is this where God wants me, or am I just too blinded by many other things to discern where He wants me?

I have come to the realization that after being at a certain place for a while, I soon feel the need for new surroundings. I get bored real fast with the same monotonous things. Not to say that Winnipeg is very monotonous, there are many different things going on that I could be apart of. But I just really enjoy being in new surroundings. Whether this is something that God is telling me or if this is something that I am just saying very selfishly is another matter. I am not sure.

Just one of many thoughts going through my mind. That, and how much I will miss seeing the beautiful Rat River from my window...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

God's Plan...

The thought of God having a specific plan for me is one that has always troubled me in a sense. Do I not have any say? Do I not have some sort of choice in the matter? Are my decisions already pre-made for me and therefore part of His plan?

I have lots of questions and not too many answers. That is okay. Actually, these questions look a little ridiculous after I have read them over again but I still think they are relevant.

I guess sometimes Gods plan and our plan don't exactly line up. That's the way she goes. "Life goes on man."

Monday, September 14, 2009

Something's Missing...

Well another year here at Providence College is underway and it is really good and I am very excited for it. It feels so much different than last year. My best friend is my roommate, I am in a quiet dorm, and I know more people coming into this year than the previous. But in the midst of this familiarity and contrast, something feels like it is missing.

Monday, August 31, 2009

So Much to Say....

I have had a very good long summer and feel like I have so much to say about it but I just have no gumption to do it and I am not sure why. Maybe with a little time, this will change.

One thing that sticks out about this summer happened while I was working at Covenant Bay. At teen camp we were split up into groups that would go to Wetaskiwin to work at a soup kitchen. I loved the idea of this but was also kind of nervous. I am working towards a degree in Social Work and I have often thought of working with people with addictions which 99% of the people at this soup kitchen dealt with. But previous to this, I had never served at a soup kitchen or anything like this so this is where my hesitancy came from.

I would say that 95% of the people who came into this soup kitchen were Hobema Natives. It was so interesting to sit down and talk with all these people. The stories that they would tell were very riveting and scary for the most part. Not scary in the sense of my safety but in the sense of that these things we see and hear about through media or what have you are realities for some people. I loved this whole experience; working with people and listening.

You know those moments when you really seem to connect with God in one way or another? I usually experience God when I am listening or playing music, or fly-fishing on a tiny little river, but I experienced God at this soup kitchen not only through the stories and faces of these people but also through some other people who were serving at the soup kitchen. As I was sitting listening to these gang members tell me how many times they have been to jail and why, I saw some other people from Covenant Bay serving in such a tangible way; it was so humbling to me.

To be servants of Christ, we need to be Christ-like and that is not always easy for us to do, but it sure is rewarding.

I still have lots to say but I will save that for another time.

Peace be with you.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


This will probably be my last post for a while, or at least until August anyways. I leave in a few days to start my summer and although I am sure it will be crazy tiring, I look forward to spending my summer In Gods creation with friends new and old.

I feel like Summer here in Norquay has just started. I have yet to go swimming at Crystal lake, I went golfing a couple times, played one soccer game until I partially re-tore ligaments, and my bike seems to be perpetually broken. I did not get as much fishing in as I would have liked but that is the way it goes. Although Summer feels like it just started, I must already leave which is okay.

I am ready to take on Summer in its awesome, encouraging, tough, fun, and tiring entirety.

Be blessed my friends, really.

Friday, June 12, 2009

You would have had to be there....

What a night; the Penguins won and I got to see a concert. But not just any concert, Sandy Miko in concert. Sandy Miko is this older dude that lives across from Doug and Candice Nelson. I am not exactly sure about what his occupation is, but his company slogan is "Handy Sandy," so take that as you will. I guess he can help a broad range of people with a broad range of jobs......(shudder)

Sandy had lights set up on his porch along with his terrible sounding acoustic guitar through an overdriven amp, a mic, and also about 200 sheets of music. Doug, Candice, Brody, and Me were the first ones to pull up chairs and start a fire to "take it all in" as he sang some original stuff along with some good ol "House of the Rising Sun," and "Peaceful Easy Feeling."

In between each set (one song), Sandy would clean his glasses because they are (apparently) perpetually dirty. Then he would take another chug of beer, another drag on the cigarrette, and then back to it.

This was an experience I will never forget. Words cannot describe how funny this was to me. As much as I dislike this town sometimes, it is a place that continues to make me laugh. You may not find this as funny as I did, you may have had to be there.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

"Just in Case..."

I have come to the conclusion that ten hours in a car is way too long. I am glad to be home.

For some reason, I feel that this (blog) is a good way to deal with my convictions. As Christians I think that it is good to share times of trouble and reluctance with each other in community. One of my (many) troubles is reading my Bible. It is something that I have dealt with for a long time. What I find funny about it is that when I do read my Bible, it is when I am going through a rough patch of some kind; hardly ever to just read my Bible to help facilitate growth in my walk. Oddly enough though, I always have one with me "just in case," like it is some kind of epi pen or something.

This summer I hope to have an eager heart when it comes to growing in my faith not only by reading my Bible but through many other things.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gods Creation...

Being in Alberta has been a great relaxing adventure. Being in these old places that I haven't been since I was a kid is an experience that is pretty amazing. My dad has endless stories to tell me of when I was a kid, showing me where I caught my first fish, or of when he was a kid swimming in the same lakes I have.

It is a humbling experience to be in God's creation with my family. But I wish I had some more friends around to share it with sometimes. But that is okay; Saturday I head home.

As my time here comes to an end, I get more nervous and excited for what the rest of Summer and Fall have to bring. I am sure it will be a very good and trying experience. I hope your Summer is treating you as well as mine is.

Be blessed, friends.

Monday, May 25, 2009


I have so much on my mind, so many memories, friends, experiences, hopes, dreams, and places. Yet I cannot seem to find words to express myself; it is a weird feeling. There are so many roads that we are given the choice to walk on but choosing the right one is a troubling thing. A good friend read me a passage recently from Jeremiah that has stuck with me since he read it.

This is what the Lord says: "Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls." Jeremiah 6:16

There are many times that I over-think the choices that I am given. It is hard to remember to take a look around and ask for the Godly way. I am blessed to have a great community of family and friends to help me along the way.

Please help me to remember to take a look around. Help me choose the Godly way. Calm my heart. Amen.

Be well, friends.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Good Weekend...

This weekend I helped out at a youth event here in Norquay. These youth events take on a bit of a different feel when you are not in Jr. High anymore. I really wanted this weekend to go well and I think it did. It was really cool to see how the kids interacted and built relationships with each other even though they had never met or heard of each other. God was at work this weekend in many different ways.

In a week or two I leave for Alberta to be in the mountains and do some fishing and hiking. That will be sweet.

Thank you for friends and community. Give me strength and wisdom for the upcoming summer.


Be well, friends.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I cannot compete with Eric...

I refuse to succumb to the video blog or "vlog" as Eric calls it; mostly because I am shy and I feel that by typing my thoughts instead of saying them, I leave less room for criticisms. I am just kidding about the criticism part, I don't care if you criticize me or not but, I am shy.

Today I found myself missing many things. I miss my friends that have moved from this small town, my friends that I have left in Winnipeg/Prov, but mainly the mountains. I would have given (almost) anything to have been fishing on the Bow River today, it would have been swell. Oh well, soon I hope.

As May has arrived, I feel a sense of nervousness about many things. But I know that in the end it will work out for the better either way. The conference wide youth event "Jam 2.0" is coming up and I hope it goes well.

Anyways, I hope you all are enjoying where you are at in this fine May.

Dear Father, bless my friends and family here at home, in Winnipeg/Prov, and also the dude's that have moved away. Give me peace and comfort knowing that you have a plan. Amen.

Be blessed, friends.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Beauty In Dissonance...

Well I am finally home and it feels good. These last few days were spent in Minnedosa to celebrate a very good friend of mine's birthday. I was only home for three days before I left to Minnedosa and it felt a little weird to be driving back East in a red Firebird with a kid (a good friend) in tight skinny jeans.

But anyways I am home and now that I am, I feel like I should have this great incite as to what my life should look like or be like. But to be honest I don't what my Summer and Fall are going to look like. I have my plans, hopes, and aspirations, but that is not always the way it goes. I often get caught up on what I think should happen but I forget that God has a plan that may or may not be different than mine.

My walk is far from perfect, but I think there is a sense of beauty in the dissonance in my life.

It is going to get some getting used to being in this almost soundless town again, but it is a good time.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Well I am done my first year of college (aside from a final paper due Friday) and although I am still not sure what I want to do with my life, it feels good.

On Sunday I leave to go back to ol' Norquay. It will be good to go home but I sure will miss this city and these people. I feel like in this last year I have grown a significant amount. I would like to think that I have grown into a better disciple and person. Being around people who are much wiser than I am has been stellar.

It is weird to think about what I would be doing now if I stayed home for another year. I would most likely be in Martials basement shooting pool, saying a decent "thats what she said" joke (lets be honest, I do that here too), or reminiscing about something stupid we all did or said a long time ago. Also, if I would have stayed home for another year, I would have done much more fishing!

Father, thank you for this community that I am priviledged to be apart of. I pray that you bless these friends of mine as they teach me new things every day.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Call me immature, but...

The amount of people getting engaged in the last year is kind of blowing my mind. I can think of at least three or four couples who are, at most, two years older than me. The thought of being married in a year or two is horrifying to me.

Maybe this just goes to show how immature I can act sometimes. Although I am not sure if me not having a girlfriend before reinforces this fact or not. Either way, it is a weird thought.

I am sure that the ol' "Ball and Chain" (jokingly, of course) will come along some day.

Be blessed.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

So Long Winter...

Weather is a funny thing to me. The quality of my day usually can be measured by how nice the weather is outside. Today was a great day, I went to church, did some homework, went for a sweet walk with a good friend, and got absolutely demolished in soccer, (this is a normal occurrence for me, and I do not want to talk about it).

This summer is going to be great. I am going on a fishing/hiking/awesome trip with my parents in the mountains, and I am really looking forward to it. Even though I have lived on the prairies for most of my life, I still feel so at home and comfortable in the mountains. It seems that every time I bring up the mountains lately, someone turns around and says that they feel really uncomfortable or claustrophobic in the mountains. I guess I can understand this, but you prairie people make me laugh. I could be in the mountains forever.

I hope that I find a job for the summer. One way or another, I know that God will be faithful and provide.

Father, teach me to be patient. Teach me how to better welcome in the changing of seasons that are going on in my life.


Be blessed.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


I have been reading a bit of what Martin Luther wrote lately, mainly because I am doing a short paper on the Ninety-Five Theses. But I remember reading a document that Martin Luther wrote talking about prayer last semester in Spiritual Formations (my favorite class) aka "Spit Form."

Luther talks about prayer and how when we say "amen" we should really mean it as if all other Christians in the world were praying the same prayer with you.

Mark this, that you must always speak the Amen firmly. Never doubt that God in his mercy will surely hear you and say "yes" to your prayers.

This really got me thinking, how often do I really think that what I am praying is going to happen. More often than not, I tend to lean towards not believing, and that is a sad thing.

There is a man back in Norquay that was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer about a year ago. I don't really know what you guys knows about pancreatic cancer but it has a survival rate of about 5%. It has been a real tough experience for him and his family.

How often do we pray for someone with something like pancreatic cancer and really believe that this person is going to be cured? It is a tough thing to do. Really believing that what pray for is going to happen takes great faith; more than I think I have at times.

Father, help me to have faith in your wisdom. Teach me to have faith like a child.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This Lenten Season...

Lent has always been somewhat of an experience for me. To be honest, I have never taken it that serious; or serious enough as to give something up for it. Why should this Lent be any different?

Lent is a good opportunity for Christians and although im not "giving anything up" for this Lenten season, I think it will be a good opportunity for to me take some time aside for God. Whether it is just some time in prayer with my Bible, some time to play my guitar for a while, or maybe some good meaningful conversations with some good friends.

This next coming week is my "reading break." It will be a good time to sit back and relax and hopefully put some of this whole "reflection" thing into action.

Father, help me put time aside so that I may learn more from you. Create in me a clean heart.

Be blessed.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Portage Place - The Heart of the City...

So me and my buddy Rob decided to go downtown yesterday. I needed some books (which i did not find anyways) and he needed to take some pictures of stuff for school. We decided to eat lunch while we were downtown and where better to eat in downtown Winnipeg than the food court in Portage Place or, the "Heart of the City" as i like to call it.

Portage Place is somewhat of a wonder to me, it feels like i am in a different country when i am down there, seriously. There are so many different people from so many different walks of life. Not to mention the security guard with one of the sickest looking skullit/comb over things i have ever seen.

So me and Rob finish our A&W burgers and we proceed to leave the building. As we exit the doors there is an older couple and the lady asks Rob for some change (cause we all know Rob has lots of money), so he gives them a few bucks. After this transaction takes place, the man asks Rob a question. What Rob thought this dude asked was "what kind of family do ya got there?" When in fact he asked "what kind of camera do ya got there?"

Rob's reply is something that will stick with me for a long time. "What kind of camera do ya there there?" "A pretty big one...." The man looked really confused and i had a hard time not bursting out laughing. In hindsight, i could have corrected Rob but this makes for a way better story. I didn't tell Rob what the dude actually said until we started walking away.

I told a few people this story and i don't think they thought it was as hilarious as i did. Granted, you may have had to be there.

Be blessed.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I love Sunday's in Winnipeg, they just never seem to disappoint. Faith Covenant is one of my favorite places and when people ask me "why?" I have a hard time describing it. But, i have heard it described as "kick ass" before. Take that as you would like.

Today Fruits talked about how God never asks us to do something that we are not equipped for. This got me thinking that maybe i am too humble at times. I always think that yeah, i am ok at doing "this" or "that" but there are definitely people who are better at those things than me. But i think i need to learn to step out of my comfort zone, and be stretched.

Father, would you stretch me and teach me what it means to be a disciple.


Be blessed.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I Have Been Thinking...

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. Thinking about what i want to do before the end of the semester, this summer and this fall.

I never really thought i would go back to the ol' Prov hole after this semester. But now i find myself thinking that i will go back for round two. I think i am going to go into the social work program. I feel called to do this and im not sure why. I find it hard to discern what exactly God is calling me to, and maybe He is calling me to go into social work, i am not sure. It would make sense, i like talking to people and helping them through things. As hard as it may be at times, to me this is exciting.

I often find it hard to be a disciple and reflect Jesus when living in community. As hard as it may be, i think that is part of being a Christian.

Lord, help me see the things unseen. Help me discern what is good and where my place is on this earth. Calm my heart.


Be blessed.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Stupid Mouth...

Do you ever think back to certain conversations and think "what the frick was i thinking when i said that?" I do this often. I used to think that i would grow out of this, but that is not the case. In fact, it might get worse as i get older.

Someday i will make it through a day without sounding stupid.

Be Blessed.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I Guess I Am Not That Worldly....

I feel so secluded sometimes. I am sure it does not help that I am living in Otterburne Manitoba. Lots of the people I know have gone overseas or at least out of North America and the farthest I have ever gone is into the States. This is a little depressing to me.

I feel so insignificant sometimes, not to the point of packing up and becoming a missionary or something crazy like that. It is just hard to see how and where God is using me right now. Maybe it will come with time?


Monday, February 2, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


No i do not mean love as in, me getting married next year like i originally planned (jokingly, of course). But i mean love as in, loving in a community.

Moving to the ol' Prov hole and Winnipeg has definitely been good for me. But one thing i seem to struggle with lately is living in this community known as Prov. We are called to love one another. Does that necessarily mean liking them? I mean lets be honest, there is always that one person who really "grinds your gears," so to speak.

I really try to get along with everyone, but at times it is really tough. I do not want to be that Christian dude who is so extreme that he carries around a flask of holy water at all times or something. Ok that was a little too extreme, but oddly enough Peter Popoff comes to mind.

I guess lately i have been feeling a slight sense of conviction when it comes to living in this community, and also life in general. It takes alot of effort, more than i am putting in, i think.

I know this was a bit melodramatic, but these have been my thoughts as of late.

Be Blessed.

Monday, January 12, 2009


There is just something about the downtown of a city that i love. It doesn't necessarily have to be Winnipeg either. I just love being downtown. Minus Regina, that city sucks. I like being surrounded by humongous buildings. Some people from small towns really seem to be intimidated by a city. I have never really felt that, i just embrace it.

Me and some friends went for coffee today downtown at the FYXX. It was definitely a good time. It was interesting to see the variety of people who would pass through that coffee shop. Mostly college students, but there was also a few derelicts who you would never suspect to see in this little artsy coffee shop.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

This Is Depressing....

Well today is the day where i had to pay my dues. Aka, student loans. It is a weird feeling to have so much money and then in an instant, it is gone. Although it is for a worthy cause (my education), it is a tad depressing. Oh well. I really don't like dealing with money. But i guess that is inevitable.
