Monday, April 27, 2009

Beauty In Dissonance...

Well I am finally home and it feels good. These last few days were spent in Minnedosa to celebrate a very good friend of mine's birthday. I was only home for three days before I left to Minnedosa and it felt a little weird to be driving back East in a red Firebird with a kid (a good friend) in tight skinny jeans.

But anyways I am home and now that I am, I feel like I should have this great incite as to what my life should look like or be like. But to be honest I don't what my Summer and Fall are going to look like. I have my plans, hopes, and aspirations, but that is not always the way it goes. I often get caught up on what I think should happen but I forget that God has a plan that may or may not be different than mine.

My walk is far from perfect, but I think there is a sense of beauty in the dissonance in my life.

It is going to get some getting used to being in this almost soundless town again, but it is a good time.


ericbraun said...

Here's your summer plans:

Michael Luedemann said...
