No i do not mean love as in, me getting married next year like i originally planned (jokingly, of course). But i mean love as in, loving in a community.
Moving to the ol' Prov hole and Winnipeg has definitely been good for me. But one thing i seem to struggle with lately is living in this community known as Prov. We are called to love one another. Does that necessarily mean liking them? I mean lets be honest, there is always that one person who really "grinds your gears," so to speak.
I really try to get along with everyone, but at times it is really tough. I do not want to be that Christian dude who is so extreme that he carries around a flask of holy water at all times or something. Ok that was a little too extreme, but oddly enough Peter Popoff comes to mind.
I guess lately i have been feeling a slight sense of conviction when it comes to living in this community, and also life in general. It takes alot of effort, more than i am putting in, i think.
I know this was a bit melodramatic, but these have been my thoughts as of late.
Be Blessed.
I love that picture.
funny i read that today, cuz on the bus we were talking about just that topic... unfortunetly i either fell asleep, stoped listening or we never finished the conversation so i'm not too much help to you. i'll get back to you though?...yeh not likely but we'll see.
Wow thanks. It must have been a real life changing experience. haha
No lie, i've come back to this blog for the last 9 days trying to think of something funny to say as a comment.
Every day i have failed.
I am ashamed of myself. I hope that you can forgive me and maybe later i'll redeem myself by making the funniest comment in the history of blog comments, which we all know have been in existence since the late 1840's.
You could have just sworn to make me laugh. I love a good swear word.
You are forgiven. Long live the days of the late 1840's...
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