No i do not mean love as in, me getting married next year like i originally planned (jokingly, of course). But i mean love as in, loving in a community.
Moving to the ol' Prov hole and Winnipeg has definitely been good for me. But one thing i seem to struggle with lately is living in this community known as Prov. We are called to love one another. Does that necessarily mean liking them? I mean lets be honest, there is always that one person who really "grinds your gears," so to speak.
I really try to get along with everyone, but at times it is really tough. I do not want to be that Christian dude who is so extreme that he carries around a flask of holy water at all times or something. Ok that was a little too extreme, but oddly enough Peter Popoff comes to mind.
I guess lately i have been feeling a slight sense of conviction when it comes to living in this community, and also life in general. It takes alot of effort, more than i am putting in, i think.
I know this was a bit melodramatic, but these have been my thoughts as of late.
Be Blessed.