So me and my buddy Rob decided to go downtown yesterday. I needed some books (which i did not find anyways) and he needed to take some pictures of stuff for school. We decided to eat lunch while we were downtown and where better to eat in downtown Winnipeg than the food court in Portage Place or, the "Heart of the City" as i like to call it.
Portage Place is somewhat of a wonder to me, it feels like i am in a different country when i am down there, seriously. There are so many different people from so many different walks of life. Not to mention the security guard with one of the sickest looking skullit/comb over things i have ever seen.
So me and Rob finish our A&W burgers and we proceed to leave the building. As we exit the doors there is an older couple and the lady asks Rob for some change (cause we all know Rob has lots of money), so he gives them a few bucks. After this transaction takes place, the man asks Rob a question. What Rob
thought this dude asked was "what kind of
family do ya got there?" When in fact he asked "what kind of
camera do ya got there?"
Rob's reply is something that will stick with me for a long time. "What kind of camera do ya there there?" "A pretty big one...." The man looked really confused and i had a hard time not bursting out laughing. In hindsight, i could have corrected Rob but this makes for a way better story. I didn't tell Rob what the dude
actually said until we started walking away.
I told a few people this story and i don't think they thought it was as hilarious as i did. Granted, you may have had to be there.
Be blessed.